This is perfect as a breakfast smoothie, or as a way of refueling after a run .
1/2 pint/250ml milk or milk substitute such as Almond milk, Oat milk
1/2 banana (use can use a whole one if you want!)
heaped dessert spoon of porridge oats
2 teaspoons Vital Greens/Spirullina/Green Nutrition supplement
handlful of berries (can be frozen or fresh)
Very simply place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz until smooth for about 60 seconds, pour into glass and drink!
The banana gives a little sweetness
The oats gives a little substance
The green nutrient supplement packs the smoothie with extra goodness (I have used Vital Greens for about 5 years, after being introduced to it on a yoga retreat. It has 72 vital minerals & vitamins - I think it tastes great, the Ultra runner in the household hates it, but drinks it as he knows it is good for him! You could use any powdered nutrient, or even protein powder. You buy it on Amazon rather than get it shipped from Australia)
Frozen berries make it ice cold and fresh berries give it a little extra zing!